Just checking out Composer Tools Pro for the first time. It's an interesting system.
https://www.midikinetics.com/products/c ... tools-pro/
They now have a forum for posting presets, which has been up for a year, but there doesn't seem to be many contributors as of yet:
https://www.midikinetics.com/community/ ... a95f80662d
After watching the video, the only issue I can see is creating all the presets. Making presets for all of my libraries, if it was my only job, could take me years. Which I suspect is the reason most people would give up before beginning.
But being from a production background it just seems to be a numbers issue. Like in any big production if we split it up and post our work, we could have most of the major libraries covered in a month or two. Question is, how many people are up for it? I know I could get through a few developers and if some have an affinity for one (like Guy with Project Sam) they could head down that road first and be able to download from others many of the rest. As far as I can tell I have 120 developers total (not counting synths) but the major developers with Orchestral sections (which is where most articulation switching is needed) is just 9 - Project Sam, Spitfire, East West, Cinesamples, Audiobro, Cinematic Studios, Orchestral Tools, 8Dio, VSL.
Yes, there are other smaller developers that could be added but these core 9 would be a great start and cover a lot of ground. But is this kind of shared work goal possible in today's "sounds great but I got no time" kind of world we live in? Personally I hate heading down any road without some glimpse of hope of success, and I realize even setting up these 9 is a lot of work, but after working up some great TouchOSC interfaces and working on PT control and it's customization, this does seem like the next step. If the preset forum had just a decent chunk of the major developers out there it would be a good start. Thoughts? Any current users? Not sure how long this almost half price sale will last.
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