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TC Electronic Sale: Master X HD-DT and Brickwall HD-DT

Posted: Sep 03, 2022 6:30 am
by Duncan Krummel
Sweetwater is running a sale on TC Electronic’s Brickwall and Master X HD-DT plugins with desktop controllers.

$90 off Master X HD-DT ($29 USD) ... controller

$70 off Brickwall HD-DT ($49 USD) ... -interface

Curious if anyone has experience with either of these. With only 4 days left on the sale, I’m definitely tempted, and at these prices it’s hard to feel too bad if they aren’t quite what I’m hoping for. I mean, I would feel a bit bad, but not too much.

I’m aware that TC is owned by Behringer now, and that the QA for both have been… questionable over the last several years. Still, I’m keen on moving to a semi-hardware approach to mixing and mastering. Any opinions on either of these?

Re: TC Electronic Sale: Master X HD-DT and Brickwall HD-DT

Posted: Sep 03, 2022 8:36 am
by lofi
These are really good.
If only sweetwater would ship to Europe, I’d buy them right now.
Great deal even without the controllers.

Re: TC Electronic Sale: Master X HD-DT and Brickwall HD-DT

Posted: Sep 03, 2022 11:04 am
by Piet De Ridder
I’m not familiar with the TC Brickwall — if an audio or production problem needs addressing and DMG Audio has a plugin for it, that’s where I buy, without even considering what else might be available; I only mention this because when the time came to decide on a Limiter, I went with DMG’s Limitless (and very happy with it I am too) — but I did get the Master X HD during the sale which TC themselves ran a month or two ago. For about the same price as Sweetwater is selling it now.

Yes, it’s good. Certainly worth what Sweetwater is asking for it. I must confess I bought it more out of curiosity than any real need — sales can do that to you —, but I find myself using it more than I thought I would. (Didn’t get the controller though, because after watching a few videos of people working with those controllers, I got the impression that it involves a lot of precise button clicking in order to get to certain parameters. Still, hands-on hardware control has a very unique appeal, and real musical value, which just can’t be replaced by fiddling with a mouse pointer on a computer screen.)

I wouldn’t worry too much about TC’s ownership. (Is it Behringer or is it MusicTribe? Or is that the same thing? I never can tell.) TC seems revitalized in recent months, as if they’ve entered a new phase of activity, releasing lots of new stuff — granted, much of it is re-packaged old stuff — and their current line of products shows definitely a continuation of the high quality with which they made their name.


Re: TC Electronic Sale: Master X HD-DT and Brickwall HD-DT

Posted: Sep 04, 2022 3:17 am
by Duncan Krummel
Anders and Piet, I appreciate the insight and advice! Decided to take the plunge.

Piet, I had not looked deeply into DMG Audio before, despite hearing their name tossed about every so often. Decided to check them out, as - historically - your tastes in sound line up pretty well with mine most of the time. I can definitely see the appeal, and now I’m only wishing they, too, had a hybrid hardware/software approach. But, c’est la vie, I’ve got some new tools to dig into next week.

Many thanks to both of you!

Re: TC Electronic Sale: Master X HD-DT and Brickwall HD-DT

Posted: Sep 04, 2022 6:25 am
by trumpoz
Piet De Ridder wrote: Sep 03, 2022 11:04 am
I wouldn’t worry too much about TC’s ownership. (Is it Behringer or is it MusicTribe? Or is that the same thing? I never can tell.) .
Hey Piet - Music Tribe was formally Music Group, the parent company of Behringer..... chaired by Uli Behringer. So yeah, it is Behringer.

Re: TC Electronic Sale: Master X HD-DT and Brickwall HD-DT

Posted: Sep 04, 2022 5:44 pm
by Piet De Ridder
Thanks, Richard. I didn't know.
