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CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 3:19 am
by Guy Rowland
CineSamples have repackaged 90s Retro Trumpets and combined it with a new 4 horns patch into CineBrass Sonore:

The new horns are at 9.13. CS say that they've also done a lot of work improving the Retro Trumpets, but apart from the name and design I personally I couldn't find much fault with it anyway.

$199, or $99 for owners of 90s Retro Trumpets.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 4:02 am
by Lawrence
Trumpets sound great-is close mic only any drier? That’s a lot of hall, and there’s nothing in the walkthrough to be able to tell.

Also, sort of curious why they included a solo trumpet but no solo horn?

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 4:16 am
by Guy Rowland
Ah ha, actually you've inadvertently spotted the difference between Sonore and 90s Retro Trumpets I think larry. With 90s its just a single mix, but there are the usual full range in Sonore. Curious though that they don't demo that at all as far as I can tell. I assume it will sound much like CineBrass and that they did record all the mic positions separately for 90s Trumpet and just didn't edit them.

And yes, the lack of separate solo fader for horns is a bit disappointing, it works very well for Trumpets.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 4:32 am
by ZeeCount
My assumption for why they don't have a solo horn is because the reason they had the solo trumpet was to get the idiomatic trumpet sound where only the lead player is playing vibrato. They chose to capture this by having three trumpets on their own, and then the soloist playing with and without vibrato.

This isn't the case for horn lines, so I guess they chose not to.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 5:41 am
by Lawrence
Guy Rowland wrote: Jan 22, 2020 4:16 am Ah ha, actually you've inadvertently spotted the difference between Sonore and 90s Retro Trumpets I think larry. With 90s its just a single mix, but there are the usual full range in Sonore. Curious though that they don't demo that at all as far as I can tell. I assume it will sound much like CineBrass and that they did record all the mic positions separately for 90s Trumpet and just didn't edit them.

And yes, the lack of separate solo fader for horns is a bit disappointing, it works very well for Trumpets.
...and here I thought it was my eagle eye that spotted the various mics :)

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 5:44 am
by Lawrence
ZeeCount wrote: Jan 22, 2020 4:32 am My assumption for why they don't have a solo horn is because the reason they had the solo trumpet was to get the idiomatic trumpet sound where only the lead player is playing vibrato. They chose to capture this by having three trumpets on their own, and then the soloist playing with and without vibrato.

This isn't the case for horn lines, so I guess they chose not to.
Yeah, I guess that's the story, you have it right I'm sure.. Still, for $200, it would have been a nice addition, no? Also, the lead trumpet really does sound sweet-I was actually disappointed when the horns were demo'd and they said "we did it the same way"..I was waiting for the solo horn.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 7:17 am
by wst3
The 90's Retro Trumpet is one of my favorite libraries, I love the way it sounds, and plays. Needless to say I was really excited to hear about Sonore, and pleased to see that there is a discount for Retro Trumpet owners, very fair.

I too expected the same solo treatment for the horns, even if it was not common for the era it would be a nice addition, I would certainly use it.

On the other hand, in CIneBrass there is a solo horn that sounds quite like Sonore, where the various horn sections sound brash, which was the idea I'm sure.

I will very likely purchase and download today, it seems to fit nicely with my other libraries, definitely a sound I do not have handy.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 8:54 am
by Guy Rowland
wst3 wrote: Jan 22, 2020 7:17 amdefinitely a sound I do not have handy.
That's the thing that isn't true for me I think. It sounded very familar to me, not radically different from their 2 horn patch actually, and I have 2x 4 horns and solos in MSB, so I've decided to pass for now. Curious to hear how you find it though.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 10:09 am
by wst3
from the demos it appears to be a little "gentler" than the horn patches that came with CineBrass core and pro. That may be Mike, he is a very talented guy. But for $100 I'm willing to give it a shot. Especially because I really do like the 90s retro trumpet, I'm expecting the same from this.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 11:49 am
by Guy Rowland
I would just like to add:

1. Whenever I see Sonore at a glance I read it as snore, which seems unreasonably self-deprecating for CineSamples. Then I remember the actual word, and then immediately sing in correction:
2. "That's sonore".

You know, like a big pizza pie.

I'm going stir crazy / dmob happy, on the final stretch of a verrrrry long running series.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 12:53 pm
by wst3
you need more coffee Guy!

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 6:13 pm
by WindcryMusic
I sure would like to hear someone do a head-to-head comparison of the legatos in this with those in CSB. I think the demos and walkthrough sound really good, but I also wonder if CSB is already able to do the same job for me.

I have the other CineBrass libraries, but not Retro Trumpets, which unfortunately means my intro price is $169, or 15% off of retail. I'd been hoping there might be some sort of deal for CineBrass owners (sad face). And given how often Cinesamples has 30% off sales, at the very least I think I'll have to hold out for a better price on Sonore. And by then I'll hopefully have a clearer idea of in what ways it might stand apart from CSB.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 22, 2020 8:21 pm
by lofi
Guy Rowland wrote: Jan 22, 2020 11:49 am I would just like to add:

1. Whenever I see Sonore at a glance I read it as snore, which seems unreasonably self-deprecating for CineSamples. Then I remember the actual word, and then immediately sing in correction:
2. "That's sonore".

You know, like a big pizza pie.

I'm going stir crazy / dmob happy, on the final stretch of a verrrrry long running series.

You're welcome :)


Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 23, 2020 3:49 am
by Guy Rowland
Mike Barry made a very good post at VI-C to explain in more depth the recording techniques used here, and what they've learned down the years. It all sounds highly plausible to me, that the secret to good dynamics and legato is all in how its recorded, and there's only so much you can do in the editing / scripting. Essentially CineBrass has been a very long journey of discovery on their (and our) part. The first 6 horns legato patch was and is terrible, 12 horns consdierably better and 2 horns better again. (That's) Sonore I'd expect to be another step forward.

It does also rather uncomfortably put users in the position of hearing "yes, I know we didn't get it right before, but trust us we got this now" 3 separate times over many years, though it should be noted that the 2 horn patch was in a free update as I recall, and a very significant one.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 25, 2020 9:40 pm
by X-bassist
Guy Rowland wrote: Jan 23, 2020 3:49 am Mike Barry made a very good post at VI-C to explain in more depth the recording techniques used here, and what they've learned down the years. It all sounds highly plausible to me, that the secret to good dynamics and legato is all in how its recorded, and there's only so much you can do in the editing / scripting. Essentially CineBrass has been a very long journey of discovery on their (and our) part. The first 6 horns legato patch was and is terrible, 12 horns consdierably better and 2 horns better again. (That's) Sonore I'd expect to be another step forward.

It does also rather uncomfortably put users in the position of hearing "yes, I know we didn't get it right before, but trust us we got this now" 3 separate times over many years, though it should be noted that the 2 horn patch was in a free update as I recall, and a very significant one.
The only thing that gets me about this library is when Retro Trumpets came out I kept asking “If it was recorded at the Sony stage where are all the mic positions?”. No answer. Then this comes out “Oops, now we have mic positions!”. I’m just glad I got it on sale, but I’ll still end up paying more than the guy buying it at $199 or $169, just to get what should have been included in the first place. I like the horn patch but I’m really paying $99 for those 4 arts, and the price never changes, even at a sale.

If it’s not pressing I would wait for a 40 or 50% off sale. Bummer for early adopters of Retro Trumpets it will always be $99- even if it sells for $79 someday. Really crazy. I’m still trying to figure out why they want to gouge me to get Cineperc Aux, when I’ve bought almost every other library (including the other three sections of CinePerc). $199? crazy.

Re: CineBrass Sonore

Posted: Jan 26, 2020 10:01 am
by wst3
I get the impression Cinesamples is experimenting, revisiting their go-to-market strategy as it were.

I purchased 90s Retro Trumpets for $149 about a year ago. Can't remember if that was the intro price. I had a specific use for it.

Usually these things don't bother me. Perhaps the fact that the project for which I purchased it fell through?

Not sure, but like many others I am paying more ($149 + $99) than the intro offer for a library that includes (mostly) a library I already purchased.

I wouldn't go so far as to say Retro should have included any specific features - they learn as they go like everyone else.

I would go so far as to say that the early adopters ought to get a better deal.

I will, eventually, purchase Sonore - it sounds lovely. Had it been a really good deal (maybe deduct the price I paid from the full price?) I'd have purchased it day one, even without a specific project in mind. Instead I will wait. I am - I believe - guaranteed the $99 price for some time.