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iZotope Ozone Elements 8 Free, Ozone 9 coming

Posted: Sep 26, 2019 4:47 am
by Guy Rowland
Ozone Elements 8 is free until October 2nd, and Ozone 9 is shortly to be released. On the latter, the blurb says:
Balance to your music with never-before seen processing for low end, real-time instrument separation, and lightning-fast workflows. ... -soon.html

That quote doesn't make grammatical sense, but there we go.

The mastering process seems to be wanting to ever more encroach on the mixing process. I guess the real-time instrument separation comes from RX where you might have to tweak something commercial for a mixing purpose, but why on earth would you re-balance anything at a mastering stage? The re-balance tool is a modern miricle, but good lord I'd rather change the drums group in the mixer than on their inevitably lossy-artefacty algorithm any day. Processing for low end might be interesting though, depending on exactly what it is of course.