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Re: Nextmidi Strings Library? Midi tool? coming soon

Posted: Dec 13, 2019 2:51 pm
by Guy Rowland
Aaron Venture - sheesh, another developer I know nothing about. Just listening to their brass demo now... pretty darned good. How much of this is sampled v modelled? I'm slightly confused there. Strings 2020 I see.

Zee, if you have the time I'd love to hear anything you can get together with the modelled instruments. My primary interest is in this layered method they use, but I'll take anything, thank you!

Re: Nextmidi Strings Library? Midi tool? coming soon

Posted: Dec 13, 2019 3:32 pm
by ZeeCount
Aaron Venture is taking the same approach that Sample Modeling does: ultra dry, clean, phase-aligned samples, with large amounts of scripting on top. Unlike SM, his samples come with layers of IR's already applied to them to place them in a venue (he gives you 4, Large hall, Medium hall, Scoring stage and Studio). Scoring stage has a similar RT30 to the Sony Stage, Studio closer to wherever EastWest record their libraries. You can also choose a variety of places to put the instruments on the stage, each with their own unique IRs.

His brass has improved a lot since he first released them (he rebuilt the horns from scratch in one of the updates, and they are now my favorite sampled horns). He also added bass trumpets and euphoniums for free in the last update. He has another update coming very soon with a complete rebuild of the trumpets which I am eagerly looking forward to. It's likely he will do a sale when he releases this update.

His woodwinds feel like the brass did on their first release, lots of potential but with the execution not quite there yet. I am fully confident that with enough iteration those will become as good as the brass did. Like I said he is really open to feedback, and is constantly working to improve his instruments .

I'll throw something together for you today.

Re: Nextmidi Strings Library? Midi tool? coming soon

Posted: Dec 13, 2019 5:34 pm
by Guy Rowland
Thanks Zee, interesting stuff.... could be worth a new thread if you post anything.

Re: Nextmidi Strings Library? Midi tool? coming soon

Posted: Dec 16, 2019 4:24 am
by Erik
I can see how one could benefit of such a tool for live performances - that is in front of an audience.
that’s the 1st thing that jumped to mind when seeing the final teaser.

Re: Nextmidi Strings Library? Midi tool? coming soon

Posted: Jan 15, 2020 4:53 pm
by mcalis
@Guy Rowland

The just released the video explaining the setup for the strings:

Re: Nextmidi Strings Library? Midi tool? coming soon

Posted: Jan 15, 2020 6:42 pm
by Guy Rowland
Thanks Matthias, that's an excellent video walking us through it bit by bit. A few weeks ago I started mucking around with 3 instances of LASS FC, and it wasn't bad, but nowhere near as good as their sound (mostly a combination of much more vibrato and better ways of avoiding phasing I think).

Re: Nextmidi Strings Library? Midi tool? coming soon

Posted: Jan 15, 2020 7:31 pm
by tack
It's interesting that by themselves, I never quite took to the sound of SSS or SWAM strings (though I don't own SWAM). But layered together they work very well, each contributing to address the shortcomings of the other.