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Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Apr 05, 2024 9:09 pm
by wst3
HOORAY! The download process was a pretty big show stopper for me. Back at it...

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: May 17, 2024 1:07 pm
by Guy Rowland
There's a new - and large - South Africa library up today:

Thumb Harps
Mtshingo Flute
Kudo Horns 1 & 2
Vocal FX
Nyunga Nyunga
Alto, Tenor and Bass Marimbas
African Drums
Talkiing Drums
Bass Drums
Flat Maraca
Ankle Rattle

These instruments are very distinctive, a pretty raw feel in common with the Icelandic library. A shame there's no legato for the flute, otherwise this covers good ground.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Jun 04, 2024 1:54 pm
by Guy Rowland
From Musio:
Musio v1.29 has hit the stage with major performance upgrades to boost your creative process! Our development team has been hard at work optimizing sample-streaming performance within the plugin. What does that mean?

You can load more instruments, play more notes, and expect better stability and performance. What's more, in addition to improving the creative experience with Musio, this update opens the door for some exciting new features to come! So what are you waiting for? Fire up Musio, update to the latest version, and experience this performance upgrade for yourself!
This sounds like my theory was correct. They're now considerably overdue for the multi-mic feature, and I figured the hold up was likely streaming performance. Folks have been having problems with Musio choking on too many samples, which isn't too bad if you're just streaming one or two instruments but would fast become catastrophic if streaming 5 mic positions for each. Will be trialling this over the next day or two.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Jun 08, 2024 2:57 am
by Guy Rowland
Some tests on the performance increase of Musio 1.2.9. Simple methodology - fast 6 note chords played on multiple instruments on a single instance.

1.27 started to glitch on 4 instruments, where audible cracks appeared. Within the plugin, this happened circa 400 samples streaming and 30-40% activity.

In 1.29 this improved to 10 instruments, 700 samples streaming and 80% actvity. It sounded like a different kind of fault too - this was more distortion and timed with the Activity meter turning yellow.

In a third test, I then split these 10 instruments to be 2 racks of 5. This played without issue.

So a clear improvement. Whether its enough to be ready for multi-mic I'm not so sure. If I had been streaming 5 mics per instrument not 1, in theory that would still max out at only 2 instruments. Maybe it doesn't scale that way. It is interesting though that 1.29 maxes its CPU when exhibiting a fault, whereas 1.27 broke up exhibiting none. They may well have fixed the biggest problem with streaming, but are now running into a different kind of issue.

In general load times seem very snappy.

Here's a changelog of the last 2 updates:
[05-30-2024] v1.29.1-0-gfeafb76a
- The instrument-version menu now shows release notes for each version
- Fixed an issue where the plugin window size would not be saved in some hosts
- Fixed an issue where a failed instrument install could appear as though it installed correctly
- Improved sample-streaming performance
- Improved instrument loading speed when loading from hard-disk drives
- Misc. fixes relating to shared file/folder permissions

[05-17-2024] v1.28.0-0-gd53ed16f
- Reduced the overhead incurred by maintaining the inter-process connection, potentially improving connection reliability in some situations.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent instruments from being installed.
- Improved logging when encountering errors during instrument uninstall.
- Misc. logging fixes.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Jul 15, 2024 12:42 pm
by Guy Rowland
Ireland has appeared in Musio 1.31, containing:

3 Row Accordion - legato and sustain
Accordion - legato, sustain, legato bass tones, sustain bass tones, button click
Irish Whistle - legato, sustain, legato vibrato, sustain vibrato, staccato, foot tap
Irish Harp - pluck, pluck ornamented attack, harmonics
Uillean Pipe - legato, sustain, legato drone keys, sustain drone keys, low drone
Bodhran Drum - open, closed, soft beater, bones, rubs

And rather good they sound too. The Uillean Pipe in particular has a lot of classic character and the legato plays well. The whistle is a little less oirish even in its vibrato version, but it's creditable. The ornamented attack for the Irish Harp is a little trem.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Jul 17, 2024 6:46 am
by Guy Rowland
Mike Greene reports at VI Control that there have been mass layoffs at Musio / Cinesamples, which is sad if not entirely surprising. There's only two or three left there now.

This made me think that I might never be able to adjust the root note for keyswitches, doubtless well down on their priority list. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that, I slapped my forehead when I realised this should be a trivial task for Cubase's midi Transformer. And so it proved. The specific numbers here relate to Musio's Cinewinds flute patch, and my Korg Nanokey which I exclusively use for keyswitches is set to C-1.

This very simple fix means I can finally start adding some stuff to the template.


Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Aug 20, 2024 12:20 pm
by Guy Rowland
An update today which adds Tina Guo's electric cello. I could be wrong, but I don't think this was trailed to be included in Musio 1 - if so that's the first instrument to be so.

I think it sounds bloody awful, but there again I think all real electric violins and cellos sound bloody awful, never mind sampled ones. There's a range of artics including legato.

Here's a full list of changes:
New Instruments
Tina Guo Electric Cello: A brand new collection featuring 16 instruments.
Studio Guitars: Updated with scripted legato and keyswitch patches, plus an enhanced Finger Pluck patch.

CineBrass Core: Fixed a sample start bug for 2 Horn Legato and 2 Horn Keyswitch instruments.
CineBrass Descant Horn: Enhanced responsiveness on tenuto articulations.
CineStrings Pro: Improved responsiveness on tenuto articulations, simplified ensemble stages, added a lower octave for Ensemble Sus Con Sord, and smoother range crossfades between vln+vla+vlc and vln+vla.
CineWinds Core: More responsive releases on tenuto articulations.
CineWinds Pro: Enhanced tenuto articulations, fixed contrabassoon tuning, improved EQ, and added missing releases for the English Horn Legato Vibrato.
Gina Luciani Cinema Flutes: Improved responsiveness on tenuto articulations.
Industry Brass Core & Pro: Enhanced responsiveness on tenuto articulations.
World Series Iceland: More responsive releases on tenuto articulations.
Women of the North: Enhanced responsiveness on tenuto articulations.
Taylor Davis Violin: Improved tenuto articulations responsiveness.
Orchestral Chords: More responsive releases on tenuto articulations.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Aug 22, 2024 10:49 am
by Ashermusic
I will say this. I remember going to see “Lord Of Yhe Dance” and there was a girl who played electric violin and as you Brits would say,, Guy, it sounded bloody marvelous:)

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Aug 30, 2024 11:14 am
by Erik
Hello everyone!
Trying to make sense of everything Cinesamples related.
Is Musio 1 at 199€ still a bargain ? Or risky ?
I don’t have anything from them, oddly enough.
Thanx :-)

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Aug 30, 2024 11:39 am
by Guy Rowland
Erik wrote: Aug 30, 2024 11:14 am Hello everyone!
Trying to make sense of everything Cinesamples related.
Is Musio 1 at 199€ still a bargain ? Or risky ?
I don’t have anything from them, oddly enough.
Thanx :-)
Honestly I'd be a little wary right now. Their public communication has dropped to near zero, and the vast majority of the staff have been let go.

Musio has so much potential and they have a terrific catalogue already, but I don't think they have a sustainable business model. I would love to be reassured and proved wrong - if they release an honest statement about where things are and what a new roadmap is it might help.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Aug 31, 2024 3:32 am
by Erik
Ok,thanx Guy for the quick feedback :thumbsup:

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 03, 2024 11:56 pm
by X-bassist
I'm curious to see what happens. Even though I never got involved in Musio, I do own almost every Cinesamples orchestral library in Kontakt, and I really do like the samples, the players, instruments, and most of all the Sony Stage, which sounds to me like so many old films. I can't describe my feelings when first playing the brass or the woodwinds. Even the percussion is something special because of the room. The solo strings are a nice addition and fit in for detail and leads. But the ensemble strings needed an update or a redo, more layers like Pacific to make it more useable than it is, and more arts that expand what it can do. As developers go, they are more hit than miss, and far outrank my spitfire libraries for useable sound that mixes well.

It's a shame to think these iconic samples may not get a home or get further developed.

I know Mike has a feeling these assets can be sold, but few people have the coconuts to create a library out of someone else's old samples like he does (screaming trumpet). But I hope he is right and they are given into more caring hands. Someplace like Audio Bro could take those samples, record new strings at Sony, and build an entire collection around that sound with their newer engine. To me that would be the huge silver lining in Musio, and or Cinesamples, closing down. For which I'm hoping a comeback will come.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 04, 2024 1:32 am
by Guy Rowland
I can't see an Audiobro buying out the CineSamples catalog. They are a very small developer who take many years to develop a single product.

It seems a little more plausible that someone else of heft buys out Musio and add a lot more content from a third party, but that too is fraught with problems.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 06, 2024 4:17 pm
by Guy Rowland
Mike Patti steps down as CEO of Cinesamples and Musio:
After 17 years of starting and running Cinesamples, Inc. and launching Musio ( these last 5 years, we’ve built a strong foundation. I’m incredibly proud of our amazing team, who, despite a pandemic and numerous challenges, launched a successful and profitable startup. From here, the goal is to build on this foundation and continue growing towards some exciting plans for the future and our customers.

I’ve always loved making music, and it’s been my passion since I was 12. So I’ve decided to dive back into what I truly enjoy—creating music for cool projects. I’ve already begun some exciting work with my friends at Disney parks and other ventures.

With that said, I realized that I can’t give my full attention to running the company as CEO while also pursuing my music work. The company deserves someone dedicated to this role, so I’ve decided to step away and am excited to promote our CMO, Chris Hayzel, to CEO.

I’ll remain on the board and as an owner, and I’ll still be involved in those capacities. I truly believe this is the best decision for us to continue serving our customers long into the future. If you’ve supported us over the years, thank you, thank you!

Not a word about the layoffs and the development that has slowed to a crawl.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 06, 2024 4:47 pm
by Mike Greene
X-bassist wrote: Sep 03, 2024 11:56 pm I know Mike has a feeling these assets can be sold, but few people have the coconuts to create a library out of someone else's old samples like he does (screaming trumpet)
Ha! It's really interesting you said it that way, because Screaming Trumpet, which I repurposed from excellent samples of Wayne Bergeron (probably the most famous lead trumpet player in the world right now) that were originally released by Warp IV, is my biggest flop. I thought I did such a great job, and I spent a fair amount on marketing when I released it, but ... crickets.

So yes, I do think there's value in those Cinesamples libraries, and some other company could easily ... oh wait ... Screaming Trumpet ... never mind. :D

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 06, 2024 5:45 pm
by Geoff Grace
Here's hoping that new CEO Chris Hayzel has a Steve Jobs-level ability to turn a company around. I'd really like to see them succeed.

Oh, and Mike, I'm one of the half-dozen or so people who bought a copy of Screaming Trumpet. Great library. I don't know why it hasn't sold better.



Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 07, 2024 4:21 pm
by wst3
Guy Rowland wrote: Sep 06, 2024 4:17 pm <huge snip>
Not a word about the layoffs and the development that has slowed to a crawl.
I haven't fact check those yet, can you point me to resources please?

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 07, 2024 6:15 pm
by Guy Rowland
wst3 wrote: Sep 07, 2024 4:21 pm I haven't fact check those yet, can you point me to resources please?
This is what Mike Greene posted at VI-C back in July:
As evidenced by the massive layoffs in the last few months. (There are now a few sources for this, so I feel like I can say it publicly.)


They had at least ten people full time, plus a number of part-timers doing editing and stuff. I think it's two or three now, plus a marketing guy making videos. ... ss.153940/

I'm sure a little digging around would get more sources. Certainly there's been nothing to contradict Mike's comments since.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 08, 2024 1:10 pm
by wst3
no need, I trust your source to insure accuracy.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 08, 2024 1:34 pm
by Mike Greene
Well, I sure as hell wouldn't trust that guy.

Re: Musio - latest stuff

Posted: Sep 09, 2024 6:06 pm
by wst3
you have a point there...