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Cinematique Instruments / Marble

Instruments, effects, DAWs -- any hardware or software we use to make music. Anyone can view, any member can contribute.
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Piet De Ridder
Posts: 3557
Joined: Aug 05, 2015 3:57 am

Cinematique Instruments / Marble

Post by Piet De Ridder »

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New from Cinematique Instruments (always to be trusted to come up with something interesting, aren't they?):
"MARBLE is technically a two track 16 step sequencer with the ability to edit every single step in terms of volume, pan, flter, tune, drive, reverse etc. To sum it up, you have eleven parameters to chose! In order to feed these two tracks MARBLE provides 63 different sound sources, some of them are providing up to six times round robin with several dynamic layers (see list below). Marble is fully chromatic. It is not just a one key trigger machine. You can play the sounds in every key or as chords."

But if that was not enough, MARBLE gives you the opportunity to shape the entire sound in real-time. You have 13 effects at your fingertips which can be manually adjusted in 127 steps. To recall these effect settings just use the Marble - or the Modwheel – which runs through all 127 steps. You can now shape your sound in real- time at your own requirements."



Posts: 286
Joined: Dec 25, 2015 8:31 pm

Re: Cinematique Instruments / Marble

Post by Scoredog »

I have been pleased with Cinematique Instruments in the past. This is not a must have for me, but when a special hits I'll pick it up, looks very useful.

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