[Wanted] Broadband absorbers

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[Wanted] Broadband absorbers

Post by Ages »

I hope it's ok to post Wanted threads here?

Anyway, I need some broadband absorbers on stands. I can't afford the prices that these things normally cost from the recommended places, but if anyone has some secondhand for a good price or knows of anyone that makes them - please let me know. I'm based in the UK, but I'd buy them from anywhere if the postage and import tax stuff didn't add too much onto the price. Thanks :)

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Re: [Wanted] Broadband absorbers

Post by FriFlo »

With some luck, you might be able to find something locally for pickup, but I doubt it would be worth sending them ... So, if you cannot find some, you might wanna get your hands dirty and build some yourself from parts available in your area. :-) Absorbers are not that hard to build. Just don't over-do the absorption in your place. That is the most common mistake studio builders do in the first place.

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Re: [Wanted] Broadband absorbers

Post by Killiard »

I built half a dozen of them last year. Have a look on YouTube and you'll find quite a few diy videos on it.

I bought the wood from B&Q. You basically make a box, staple some muslin on one side, plonk some rock wool in, then staple some nicer fabric on the other side to hold everything in place. Boom!

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Re: [Wanted] Broadband absorbers

Post by Joe_D »

Head over to GearSlutz, and navigate to the "Studio building / acoustics" forum, and then go to the "Bass traps acoustic panels, foam etc" sub-forum. There are lots of DIY examples there. You will probably want to modify somewhat the examples you find there for stand mounting, but if you're handy, that should be do-able. Here's a classic thread:

https://www.gearslutz.com/board/bass-tr ... traps.html

Note that although the title of the thread above says "bass traps," if you omit the FRK/FSK facing, they become broad-band absorbers.

A room that is too dead is not good either (as FriFlo said), so you might want to make some diffusors:

https://www.gearslutz.com/board/bass-tr ... fuser.html

Note that this GS forum and its parent forum have tons of good information on studio design and acoustics, as well as measurement and treatment options. The one thing to avoid (and it looks like you are already planning to avoid it) is putting thin "acoustic foam" tiles or panels everywhere; these tend to absorb highs dis-proportionally and leave the room swimming in low and mid frequencies. It's a shame that "foam packs" are marketed so heavily when the often make the problem room (arguably) worse when they are not intelligently combined with bass trapping and diffusors.

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Re: [Wanted] Broadband absorbers

Post by Ages »

Thanks guys, but I was looking to buy some rather than make them..

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