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Search found 3 matches

by TGV
Jan 20, 2016 3:04 pm
Forum: The Gear
Topic: RIP Bernie Torelli (Founder of Nomad Factory)
Replies: 5
Views: 5159

Re: RIP Bernie Torelli (Founder of Nomad Factory)

I remember that they raised money for his treatment. That was a good thing, I seem to recall. It's sad to see people taken from life. I hope he looked back on it in peace.
by TGV
Dec 20, 2015 4:55 am
Forum: The Gear
Topic: Cinesamples - Unison Jerry's Pianos freebie
Replies: 6
Views: 5407

Re: Cinesamples - Unison Jerry's Pianos freebie

You played piano in scoring sessions? Nice.

BTW, that patch is huge. It takes a 1GB, streaming or no streaming, because there are very, very many short samples, which mostly fit in the streaming buffer. But a very inspiring sound.
by TGV
Dec 19, 2015 7:03 am
Forum: The Gear
Topic: Cinesamples - Unison Jerry's Pianos freebie
Replies: 6
Views: 5407

Re: Cinesamples - Unison Jerry's Pianos freebie

Nice. And loud!